Thursday, May 8, 2014

Leave your titles and tenure at the door...

Just Sharing...

Today was pretty cool.  We had a rough winter that left us with TEN snow days to make up.  That meant losing days of our spring break, students attending school instead of being off on in-service days, and staff having to make up THIRTY hours of professional development by attending flex hours after school.  I facilitated several sessions and today's was one of my very favorite. 

Today 8 of us met for a "Think Tank."  We all brought articles, book excerpts, and/or video clips to share with the group and discuss.  We talked about making connections with students, ADHD, changing education paradigms, rubrics, programs that address student needs, technology, how to stay motivated as a teacher, and learning difficulties.

Our Think Tank Rule: "Leave your titles and tenure at the door.  When you enter this room we are all just educators and colleagues."  Everyone was encouraged to be honest and share their perspective and to be open and respectful to others' views.  We learned a lot about the topics we discussed, each other, and had a really good time!  You should try it!

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