Friday, May 9, 2014

Just Sharing...
Why can't interesting, important work be fun, too?  We think it can! My colleague and friend, Kira, and I facilitated a three part flex series based on the book The Essential 55 by Ron Clark. The first session consisted of watching the movie, The Ron Clark Story, based on the book. We discussed the connections Mr. Clark made with his students and what practices we feel are 'essential' to enhance the positive culture in regards to behavior and respect for everyone in our building.
Over the past few weeks, several of us read the book, explored each of the Essential 55 Rules, and chose/tweaked the ones we feel will benefit our Middle School community (we chose 5).  We then created a proposal to share with our colleagues at a later date. We hope to have the opportunity to discuss and agree to implement these "rules" consistently across the board in every classroom in our school.
Some individuals and teams were unable to make it on the dates that we met but they watched the movie, read the book, and provided input on their own time anyway!
During the session that we watched the movie we moved the lobby couches into the Large Group Instruction Room (LGI) and ate popcorn! Just a few fun things to make the session more enjoyable- in addition to the great company and discussion!

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