Saturday, April 21, 2018

Check-In and Movement Break Schedule Templates

Here are a few templates I made on the fly when working with students who needed some structured check-ins, break times, and strategies to use instead of acting out physically.  Feel free to use them or tweak them to meet your needs.

This one is for students who need to check-in with a particular staff member throughout the day. Click this link for the template: Check-In Schedule 

It has a spot to put the name of the person the student is going to check-in with, the time they will check-in and the time they will return to class as well as what the student needs to do once they return.  It's important to have return time so that the student can have their check-in and then return for instruction.

It can be changed to have one single check-in or multiple based on what your student's needs are.

You may check-in with Mrs. Smith at 10:30 AM until 10:45 AM and then return to Mr. Jone's class to do your ratio activity numbers 1-4.

This one is for a movement break BEFORE an assigned activity.  It tells the student the time they may have a break, the time the break is over and the activity that they will be doing after the break.  

A mistake I see often is that students don't end up getting their breaks because they didn't earn them.  Some students NEED a break and to move in order to be able to complete a task or activity.  This template gives the break and sets the parameters for what the student needs to do once the break is over.  Click this link for the template:  Movement Break Before Assigned Activity

At 10:30 AM you may take a lap around the bottom floor until 10:40 AM and then complete your writers journal.
This one is for a movement break AFTER an assigned activity.  It tells the student the activity they need to complete, what they will be able to do and the time they may engage in the break activity.  Click this link for the template:

After you complete your ELA google form you may go out to the courtyard with Mrs. Jones at 11:15 AM until 12:00 PM.

Let me know if you use any of these templates and if they work for you.  Contact me on Twitter @kristavenza.

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